This is more extended family.
MorGeorge is about two. He was also obtained from a local rescue organization. While the roommate would like to believe that he is a Maine Coon, he shares LOTS of traits with Mr. Guido, who is probably half persian.
MorGeorge is named MorGeorge because The Roommate wanted to name him Lancelot or Percival, which I think hangs a tiny sign around his neck saying "Hit Me". I wanted to name him George, so we could "hug him and squeeze him and call him George" (Go watch some Bugs Bunny cartoons if you didn't catch that reference). We were at an impasse. We went to dinner with some friends and Mrs. Friend said " all Black Cats are named Mor something. Mordred, Morgana, etc." And, so, the idea being odd enough to suit us both, he was christened MorGeorge, also called Morgie for short.
Sadly, he is so astonishingly stupid, he has never learned his name.
On the other hand, he is also thoroughly sweet. Not in a sacchrine sort of way, but in a good tempered, easy-going sort of way.
He also cannot meow. Something happened to his little vocal cords before he got to us and he whispers. Kheh. Khhew. PKheh!
He hates, detests, loathes and fears Francesca (with good reason) and has begun making these odd Kazoo noises when he's trying to warn her off.
He is also an Excellent Mouser. (Many thanks to Critter Control for fixing it so he no longer exercises that ability inside my home.)
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